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作者:来源: 阅读次数:日期:2022年09月13日






2018.09-2022.02 博士 语言学,多模态 新南威尔士大学,悉尼 (2022 QS世界排名43)

博士论文(Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis): Space and practice: A multifaceted understanding of the designs and the uses of “Active Learning Classrooms”

●2014.09-2017.07 硕士 语言学 公司, 重庆

●2010.09- 2014.07 学士 英语 公司, 重庆


●2022.03-至今 期刊论文审稿人 Visual Communication (SSCI & HI)

●2022.09-至今 讲师(学术英语写作,系统功能语言学),十大网赌app排行榜(中国)有限公司



1.Wu, X. Q(已签约, 预期2024年发行). Space, Body and Practice: A Multimodal Agenda. London: Routledge.


1.Ravelli, L. & Wu, X. Q. (接收). Resemiotization in theContext of Museums in China: IntegratingHistory, Materiality andSocial Practice.Multimodality &Society(Scopus-indexed).

2.Wu, X. Q. (接收). Book Review onModelling Para-language Using Systemic-Functional Semiotics: Theory and Application. Visual Communication(SSCI and HI).

3.Wu, X. Q. (审核中). Movement as PedagogicChoices? Exploration of Functions ofTeachers’ Movement in an “Active Learning Classroom”.Cambridge Journal of Education(SSCI and ERIC, Q1).

4.Wu, X. Q. (约稿, 预期12月交稿). Co-articulation of meaning: Modeling intersemiosis at three strata in the pedagogic contexts. Visual Communication(SSCI and HI).

4.Liu, C. Y. & Wu, X. Q. (2016).Individual Differences in Semantic Subjectivity of Modern Chinese Modal Particles: A Case Study ofThunderstorm,Journal of University of Science andTechnologyBeijing(Social Sciences Edition),32(6), 5-11.

5. Wu, X. Q. (2016).A Pragmatic Analysis of Flirtations and Their Functions in Characterization inGone with theWind:A Case Study of Scarlett.English Language and Literature Studies,6(4),44-50.


1.Wu, X. Q. & Ravelli, L. (2022). Introducing Spatial Discourse Analysis: A multimodal case study of a university library in mainland China. In Z. H. Wang & P. Wang (eds),Appliable research of linguistics(Yuyanxue Shiyong Yanjiu).Beijing: Peking University Press.

2.Wu, X. Q. & Ravelli, L. (2021). The mediatory role of whiteboards in the making of multimodal texts: implications of the transduction of speech to writing for the English classroom in tertiary settings. In S. Diamantopoulou & S. Orevik (eds),Multimodality in English language learning(pp.161-175).London: Routledge.



1. 2022.05.14 清华大学, 第七届国际论坛“世界地图与世界文化”, 中国

合作论文报告(和Louise Ravelli): Resemiotizing social practice: A social-semiotic perspective on museum communication

2.2022.03.17 伦敦大学, 新书发布会Multimodality in English language learning,英国

合作论文报告 (和Louise Ravelli): The mediatory role of whiteboards in the making of multimodal texts: implications of the transduction of speech to writing for the English classroom in tertiary settings

3. 2021.10.15 悉尼大学, 周五系统功能语言学论坛,澳大利亚

个人论文报告: Articulating social discourse and enacting spatial pedagogy: A multifaceted understanding of rhythm in Space

4. 2019.08.16 悉尼大学, 周五系统功能语言学论坛,澳大利亚

合作论文报告 (和 Louise Ravelli): Space as a communicative text: A systemic-functional semiotic analysis of a university library in Mainland China


5. 2021.09.28-10.01 2021年澳大利亚系统功能语言学年会, 昆士兰大学, 澳大利亚

个人论文报告: Movement as a motivated choice: Exploring the textual function of a teacher’s movement in an “Active Learning Classroom”

6.2021.09.15-09.17 2021年欧洲系统功能语言学年会,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学, 英国

个人论文报告: Articulating social discourse: A multifaceted understanding of rhythm

7.2021.09.15-09.17 2021年欧洲系统功能语言学年会,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学, 英国

合作论文报告 (和Dianna Kreemers):Public disrespect or private crime? Multimodal representations of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Australia

8. 2019. 10.02-10.04 2019年澳大利亚系统功能语言学年会,悉尼大学,澳大利亚

个人论文报告: Reading classroom: A social semiotic analysis of the “Active Learning Space”


9.2021.08.16 悉尼大学博士生论坛, 澳大利亚

个人论文报告:Modeling rhythm as spatial-temporal relations: A multifaceted understanding of rhythm in Space

10.2021.04.09不来梅-格罗宁根在线多模式研讨会, 德国 & 荷兰


语言学, 多模态分析,空间话语分析,高等教育

Microsoft, Excel, Elan, Praat, AntConc, ParaConc, Endnote, OneNote